Friday, 26 February 2016


BLUE PRINT/SA-2/ Class: 4/ Subject: E.V.S
Q.1)    Complete the name with the help of clues-8 marks
            8 questions each of 1 mark
Q.2)    Unscramble the words and write the correct word with the help of the given clue-6 marks
            6 questions each of 1 mark
Q.3)    Choose the correct option-6 marks
            12 questions each of 0.5 mark
Q.4)    Pick the odd one out and give reason-10 marks
            For each question, 4 options will be given, pick the odd one and also mention why it is odd.
            7 questions, out of that choice of attempting any 5
            Each answer carries 2 marks (i.e. 5 x 2 = 10)
Q.5)    Answer the following in one word and locate each answer on INDIA POLITICAL MAP-10 marks
            6 questions with one word answer and that answer to be located on MAP.
            6 questions, out of that choice of attempting any 5
            Each answer carries 2 marks (i.e. 5 x 2 = 10)
Q.6)    Answer the following questions-10 marks
            7 questions, out of that choice of attempting any 5
            Each answer carries 2 marks (i.e. 5 x 2 = 10)
Q.7)    Label the given diagrams-10 marks

            3 diagrams; labeling of each diagram carry 3 marks

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