Monday 20 February 2017

CLASS --3 SA--2 MATHS REVISION (2016-17)

                           Class—3—SA—2 REVISION—4

I. Solve the following :                                                            
1) Add:
a) 1 l  200 ml , 100  50ml   and 10 l 702ml                     
b) 35 km 50 m  and  12 km  20 m
c) 1/8 + 2/8 + 3/8
d) ₹1.01,  ₹ 10.10,  ₹ 100.01

2) Subtract:
a) 43 kg 167 g from 27 kg 459 g           
b) 36 m 25 cm from 69m 16 cm
c) ₹52.83 from ₹100.00
d) 18l  400ml   from  32l  380ml

3) Multiply : 
a) ₹ 56.50 by 5
b) ₹18.17 by 7

II. Convert the following :                                                             
a) 10 rupees 25 paise into paise.
b) 5 days into hours.
c) 450 cm into metres and centimetres.
d) 1234g into kilograms and grams.
e) 1 hour 15 minutes into minutes.

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