Saturday 18 February 2017



1. Check for equivalence
                   (a) 8/11 ,88/121               (b) 7/13  ,35/63
2.Write the next four equivalent fractions
3.Simplify the fractions   (a)   36/54           (b) 16/64  into lowest form
4..How many types of fractions are they?what are they and name them.
5.Write the next five like fractions
               2/9  ,3/9,_____,______,____,______,______.
6.Convert into mixed numbers
                       a) 19/3             b),48/7
7. Add  
               a)     1/5+2/5+ 3/5+7/5                b)   6/25+2/25+ 8/25
8. Subtract
                 a) 20/25  -5/25    b) 49/99-31/99
9.The sum of two like fractions is 9/11.and their difference is 1/11.What is the fraction?
10. Find the pairs fractions that can be added or subtracted to give the result 9/12 .
                                  5/12                  6/12                  8/12
                  1/12                   4/12                  11/12                  2/12
                              7/12                   12/12                  3/12                  10/12           14/12   

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