Friday 17 February 2017


CLASS 4-- Revision on time
1.    1 hr= ______min.
2.    1 min = _____ sec.
3.    1 day = ____hrs.
4.    February has 29 days only in a _____ year.
5.    On 4th march 2008 your age was 8 years. How many days older were you on 4th march 2009_____?
6.    Write in short form.
a)    1:35 in the afternoon_____
b)    3:30 after midnight ______
c)     10:15 before noon_____
7. What time will it be?
     a)30  min after 11:30 p.m______
     b)5 hours after 4:35 a.m_____
     c)45 min after 12 noon ______
    d)3 hours before 12 midnight______
8. Give the 12 hours clock time
    a)1238 hours ______
    b)2200 hours _____
    c)0023 hours ______
    d)0520 hours _____
9. Change the following into 24 hours
     a)6:30 p.m _____
     b)10:50 a.m _______
     c)5:10 p.m _______
     d)12 noon _____
10. Convert into minutes
    a)8 hours     b)5 hours 30 minutes
11. Convert into hours and minutes
     a)6600 min      b)7825 min
12. Add the following
   a)25 min 40 sec and 20 min 25  sec
   b) 2 hrs 40 min and 6 hrs 40 min
13. Find the difference between
     a)3 hrs 20 min and 5 hrs 50 min
     b) 10 hours 15 min and 11 hours
14. Raju takes 2 min 30 sec to swim 100 m. How many seconds is that?

15. Rohit takes 2 hrs 35 min to finish his homework. How many minutes is that?

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