Friday, 26 February 2016

CLASS 4 SA-2 EVS Revision paper

SA-2 ( 2015-16)
SUBJECT :  EVS                                                                                                        CLASS :  IV
LESSON :  Water / Water changes

I.  Name the following:

1.  Who marched to Dandi with his followers to protest against Salt Tax?
2.  Salt can be removed from sea water by a process called __________.
3.  Water changes it’s form from Liquid to Gas.  This is called _________ vapour.
4.  Alternate evaporation and condensation controls the ___________.

II.  Give Reasons:

1.  When you place a cool plate near the spout of hot kettle, you find tiny
       droplets of water on the surface of the plate.  Why is it so?
2.  When wet clothes are put on, on a clothline, after a while the clothes are dry.
       Where does the water vanish?
3. From where does the dew drop on grass and leaf in the early morning come
4.  When water is kept in the freezer of a refrigerator, it changes into ice.  The
      same ice when kept in room temperature, it changes into water.  Why is it

III .Pick the odd one out:

1.  Solid, Liquid, Gas, Coal.
2.  Distillation, Desalinization, Sedimentation, Filteration.
3.  Jaundice, Typhoid, Cholera, Cancer
4.  Evaporation, Distillation, Condensation, Precipitation.
5.  Dams, Reservoirs, Canals, Rivers.
6.  Pacific, Atlantic Indian, Cauvery.
7.  Well, Hand pump, Dam, Tube well.

IV.  Answer the following questions:

1.     Why is earth called a Blue planet?
2.     What are Glaciers?
3.     Give examples of Perennial rivers.
4.     What are the three forms of water?
5.     What is evaporation?
6.     What is condensation?

V.  Diagram on water cycle

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