Friday, 26 February 2016

CLASS 4 SA-2 Revision paper

Revision-food and nutrition
I)                 Fill in the blanks:                                          
1.     Sugar and Starch are example of nutrient called _________.
2.     Glucose is a type of _________.
3.     People serve sewaiyan on the occasion of  _________.
4.     _________ is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C.
5.     Vitamin A cause deficiency of _________.
6.     Night blindness is due to deficiency of _________.
7.     Fish, egg and meat are rich source of _________.
8.     _________and _________ are needed for healthy bones.
9.     _________are made during holi.
10.                         We look forward to delicious _________ during Christmas.
11.                        Roughage is a part of food that we can not _________.
12.                        _________helps to keep our body hydrated.
13.                        _________ is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D
14.                        _________ is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin B
15.                        Too much fat leads to_________.
16.                        _________is a disease which affects nervous system.
17.                        Rickets, a disease which affects _________.
18.                        In night blindness it is difficult to see at _________.
19.                        Lack of_________can leads to infections.
20.                        A diet rich in all nutrient in correct amount is called_________.

II)              Answer the following Questions

1.                 A boy wants to be a sports person. What kind of a diet he should follow and why?
2.                 Sunita never bothered about her eating habits and exercise. She eat a diet rich in ghee, butter, oil etc.
i). which diseases Sunita will be suffering very soon?
ii). what kind of diet should she take to overcome this problem

3.                 Mohan always wants to eat chips, burger etc. he never wants to eat citrus fruits. Later he observed that he can lead to infections easily.
i) Which diseases Mohan is suffering from?
ii) What kind of diet should he take to overcome this problem?

4.                 A mother is keeping her new born baby under sunlight every day. Why is it so? Comment.   
5.                 A girl is eating good amount of fruits but still she is feeling hungry. She always complaint that her stomach is not full.  Why is it so?

6.                 Suppose you got faint during the morning assembly. Your friends took you to the doctor. Doctor prescribed you to drink glucose. Comment.                     

7.                 Why parents don’t allow kids to have junk food. Comment.

8.                 Rasheen I wearing a very pretty salwar-kammez. Her family is going to gurudwara and all are busy in preparing langar. Why?


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